Tools of freedom
alternative to fake democracy
/open code/
1. Right to call referenda by 50 000 to 100 000 / 200 000 signatures (law / constitution) without limitations in subject and procedure.
2. Right to recall all elected public officials by 20-30000 signatures or % of all votes casted in their election.
3. Direct access to airwaves in public media by open phones in primе-time daily led by citizens selected by lot and rotation from a list of educated volunteers.
4. Direct election by the citizens of the leading staff in public media /Bulgarian National Radio and National TV + the Council for Electronic Media/, increasing the number of executive board members.
5. Right to make news in public media by 300-500 signatures - 20 sec. in all news broadcasts for 48 hours.
6. Direct election and recall of prosecutors, judges (including constitutional) and heads of police departments.
7. Direct election and recall by citizens of selected ministers (finance, education, justice).
8. More (12-16) jurors deciding in all serious criminal cases and significant public interest.
9. Civil quotas monitoring all government offices, incl. prosecution, judicial inspectorate public media – selected by lot and rotation from a list of educated volunteers.
10. Same – in central and regional election administration (committees) - majority of оbservers selected by lot and rotation.
11. Reduce the number of signatures and deposit money for nominating independent candidates in all elections - instead of 5000 signatures and 5000 € now – 200-1000 signatures according to the number of voters in a constituency - and up to 100 or 0 €.
12. Permanent assemblies in all neighborhoods, open to everybody for control (on representatives and public officials) and for quick negotiating of joint action nationwide when needed.
13. Compulsory primary and civic education for all voters.
14. Every citizen working in public office for a certain time.
15. Direct referral to Constitutional Court by citizens.
16. Opinion polls on the initiative of 1000 people on issues of their choice.
17. Right of legislative initiative for citizens by drafting laws in public forums with experts.
Add your ideas – HOW more and real control of the people on public government in your country, EU and the World!
novihora@abv.bg 00359-876676509